by Wickhambrook Horticultural Society
Mr Ayres was the Head Gardener at Anglesey Abbey until he retired in 2000 and his father was Head Gardener before him. His knowledge of both the Abbey and the gardens is vast and he has many stories to tell.
One of the most popular walks at Anglesey now is “The Winter Walk” and Mr Ayres informed us how this particular garden came to fruition. It is now famous for the many different varieties of snowdrops and people come to see them from far and wide. When the gardens were first opened particularly for the snowdrops, the profit was £300, the following year it was £1000. He didn’t inform us of the figures for recent years! I believe it is approximately fifteen years since the Winter Walk was planted and, although I have been many, many times, there are always different things to see and it is now extremely, extremely popular. Mr Ayres was warmly thanked by Dorothy.
Our next monthly meeting is on the 27th March and is KEEPING CHICKENS ON A SMALL SCALE, a talk given by Nigel Start. This is in the W.I. hall, beginning at 7.30 p.m. Members £1 and non members £2 which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. All are very welcome.