by Cllr John Barton
Suffolk Police have recently circulated the latest figures for speed enforcement for Haverhill and surrounding villages, these figures relate to formal action / prosecutions i.e. more than just ‘words of advice’ to drivers.
Figures are for the period 1st Dec 18 to 30th June 19 Inc.
The breakdown for Wickhambrook is as follows:
B1063 (30 limit) Bunters Road -Thorns Corner-Wickhambrook Academy section (both directions) = 26
A143 (40 limit) not monitored by VAS) = 3
C659 (30 limit) Ashfield Green (both directions) = 7
A total of 36 prosecutions
These figures are welcome in that they represent excellent ongoing support from Suffolk Police Speed Enforcement for our Parish, although we would much rather that speeds through the village were within the limit thereby not requiring any action.
Irrespective of all the above, speeds will continue to be monitored within the Parish, all we ask is that limits wherever they apply are observed.