Suffolk Accident Rescue Service

15th January 2020 | Wickhambrook W.I.


by Wendy Mansfield

Our first meeting of the year was well-attended with several new members joining the regulars on a very stormy night.

Anne Morley and Derek Wilding from SARS (Suffolk Accident Rescue Service) were our speakers.

Anne gave a very comprehensive and interesting presentation on the set-up, training of volunteer clinicians and fund- raising undertaken by the charity. She stressed the importance of having local people to respond to accidents in the ‘golden hour’ when more lives can be saved.

Derek spoke very movingly of his work with SARS when he was a Police Sergeant and also told of the horrific accident suffered by his son Harry who collided with a tree while driving. Harry was saved three times; at the scene by SARS doctors, in the Air Ambulance and at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.
Harry survived and thrived and now volunteers for SARS himself.

Both Anne and Derek emphasised the excellent co-operation between the emergency services in these cases.

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