Suffolk Community Awards

26th June 2019 | General News


bulletin from Suffolk Trading Standards

Community Action Suffolk (‘CAS’), Suffolk County Council and the Suffolk Association of Local Councils (‘SALC’) have launched the new Suffolk Community Awards.

These collaborative awards celebrate and recognise the huge contribution that groups, individuals, town and parish councils make on the overall quality of life in our communities across the length and breadth of Suffolk.

There are 15 awards available ranging from youth participation and young person of the year to community building, contribution to volunteering, most active communities and village and town of the year. This year a new award has been announced, ‘Suffolk Good Neighbour Award’ – sponsored by Suffolk Community Foundation.

Is your neighbour one in a million?
Do they make a difference to your life or the lives of the people in your community?

This award is a chance for you to say thank you to a neighbour or group of neighbours who go out of their way to help others, someone who shows kindness, compassion and consideration.

This could be because they have:
• Helped you out at a time of crises or are a good neighbour all the time
• Gone out of their way to keep the area they live in looking clean and tidy
• Brings happiness and joy to your community making it a nicer place to live

Examples could include volunteers as part of a local Good Neighbour Scheme or anyone that is living in your community making a difference.

To be eligible to enter the Community Action Suffolk Good Neighbour Award the following eligibility criteria apply:
• Resident in Suffolk
• The benefitting community or person is in Suffolk

The winner receives a certificate, trophy and cash prize of £50.

Nominate here.