Stage 1 –
West Suffolk have confirmed that they have designated the entire parish as the Neighbourhood Area for Wickhambrook –
Stage 2 – Information Gathering
A Household Questionnaire has been drafted and this is due to be delivered to all households in the parish towards the end of January. Whilst a hard copy will be delivered to each household, you’ll be able to access the questionnaire online (a link will be posted here as soon as the questionnaire goes live). Any person over the age of 16 in a household will be eligible to complete the questionnaire if they wish.
Other members of the working group are working on a stakeholder analysis too both through the questionnaires, and through direct conversations with members of the community who are employers, landowners or leaders of services. There will be sections in the questionnaire for you to complete if you are self-employed or work from home in Wickhambrook. If you would like to talk about your experience, or complete a questionnaire, please do drop a line to and ask to be included!
Get Involved:
Additional Parish Residents who are members of the Neighbourhood Plan working group:
Diana Carroll, Emily Bayman, Jamie Green, Margaret Coote, Maro Limnios, Penny Bayman, Sandra Law, Sue Sternberg and Tara Hayden.
Update December 2021
A Household Questionnaire has been drafted and this is due to be delivered to all households in the parish towards the end of January.
The parish council is also working to facilitate a housing needs survey at the same time, which would help establish whether there might be evidence to support a Rural Exception Site (affordable housing) within the parish. A decision on whether this can be delivered at the same time as the Household Survey will be reached at the January Parish Council meeting.
The application for Technical Support to look at Design Guides has been approved by Locality, together with the financial grant funding £5071 for the current financial year.
Cllr David Roach, Lead Councillor at West Suffolk Council, has kindly agreed to attend the January Parish Council meeting on 13th January to talk about progress on the Local Plan. Preferred Options arising from West Suffolk’s earlier consultation on Issues and Options (November 2020) is on schedule for consultation in March to May 2022.
The Neighbourhood Plan group has agreed to make a Plan that would run until 2040 (in parallel with the WS Local Plan), and additionally aims to apply to carry out a Landscape Appraisal.
The Parish Meeting will be held at the Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre on Saturday 9th April between 10am and 4pm. The NP working group plans to feed back an update on progress and a summary of preliminary findings from the Household Questionnaire at this meeting. It is hoped that a presentation on West Suffolk Council’s Preferred Options Consultation can also be included at this event.