by Wickhambrook Parish Clerk
Following his resignation as a councillor, Wickhambrook parish council would like to extend its thanks to Mr John Barton, who has been a councillor since May 2015, serving as chair to both the parish council and estates committee in recent years, and made a significant contribution to road safety in the parish through his work setting up and collating data collected from the Vehicle Activated Signs in the parish.
We therefore have a vacancy for a parish Councillor, as notified in the Notice of Election.
With the current government advice on social distancing remaining in place, there are a few important alterations to the process
West Suffolk has advised that, with regard to collecting hard copy signatures, it does not believe that it would be appropriate for people to door knock to collect signatures to request an election. It therefore asks that electors send in their own election requests and they will collate them. During this time they will also accept election requests via electronic means (i.e. by email). Electors can send a scanned copy or photograph of the election request to . You can use the template attached for this purpose.
If a valid request for an election to be held is held, West Suffolk will set a date for the election and will issue a Notice of Election to be displayed in the usual way.
If no poll is requested by the electorate, then the parish council will be able to proceed with the usual process for co-opting a new member on to the council.