W.I. AGM 2022

20th May 2022 | Wickhambrook W.I.

It was decided to hold our usual monthly meeting first and get the normal business out of the way. We were joined by a representative from Chevington WI who will vote on our behalf at the National AGM in Liverpool.

There was a brief introduction and discussion on the proposal to be put forward concerning the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD and Autism in the case of girls who tend to be be undiagnosed and left without sufficient support. The proposal was voted through almost unanimously and the result will be taken forward to the Annual AGM.

With the business part of the meeting over, we took a break for refreshments with cakes made by committee members.

It was then time for the AGM where reports from the secretary, president and treasurer were read along with the minutes of the last AGM which had been held in June 2021 after missing two years due to Covid.

Reports were also presented from the walking and reading groups. The craft group is only just up and running. The main business was the formation of a new committee and appointment of new officers. The outgoing President and Treasurer had both decided to step down from the committee and we were pleased that four new WI members were keen to join the committee. Hilary Bradfield agreed to be the new President, Wendy Mansfield will take over secretarial duties and Polly Puxley will be the new Treasurer.

Wickhambrook now has 48 members and a committee of eleven who are looking forward to taking the WI forward.

Wickhambrook WI Forthcoming Events:-

Friday May 27th 2022
WI Tea Party held in the WI Hall at 2-30 pm. £2-50 per person. All welcome, come along for refreshments and a chat!

Tuesday June 14th 2022
WI Monthly Meeting – this month to begin at the Wickhambrook Bowls Club. Start time 7-00pm, please wear flat shoes! Everyone welcome!

Friday June 24th 2022
WI Tea Party held in the WI Hall at 2-30pm. £2-50 per person. All welcome, come along for refreshments and a chat!

Friday July 1st 2022
WI Literary Lunch to be held in the WI Hall. Juliet Blaxland, author of “The Easternmost House” will be talking about life in the house on the edge of the easternmost cliff in Suffolk and the effects of erosion and climate change. Further details to follow.

Tuesday July 12th 2022
WI Meeting held in the WI Hall at 7-30pm. The speaker will be Lesley Williams, the Parish Nurse. Competition: Flower arrangement in an eggcup.

Would you like to find out more about Wickhambrook W.I.