W.I. Literary Lunch 2017

22nd June 2017 | Wickhambrook W.I.

by Wickhambrook W.I.
Those attending the annual 9th Literary lunch hosted by the ladies of the two Wickhambrook W.I. Reading Groups enjoyed a delicious buffet including some yummy home baked desserts in the company of author Rosy Thornton, author of Sandlands from East Suffolk.

In her day job, Rosy is a Fellow and Tutor of Emmanuel College and a lecturer in Law at the University of Cambridge and when not, there is to found in her cottage home in the Suffolk Sandlings.
Having had published five, well received novels after discovering and becoming addicted to “Fan Fiction” on line, she began to write chapters to continue the stories and post them on the interactive websites.
To date “Sandlands” is her first venture into writing a selection of short stories inspired by people, nature and wildlife around her village home in Blaxhall on the Suffolk coast.

She spoke of the timeless landscape in the Sandlings which casts shadows throughout different generations of families, as she found herself walking along in ancient footsteps and tried to reflected in the different themes and stories within the “Sandlands” stories.

She also explained her change of publisher to Scottish house Sandstone Press who consult authors and give them much more involvement and choice with cover, blurb and titles than do the larger more mainstream publishers and supermarket stockists, who are more concerned with volume of sales and customer shelf appeal than what an author might like. She also gave us an insight into the reasons her books had been rejected in the past which were very strange, funny and in some cases positively rude, as in “You will write a published book, this is not the one”
She answered many questions from the floor particularly about future manuscripts, happily and honestly and afterwards she signed copies of her books for purchasers.

Thanking her for taking the time to come and speak about her life and work, Dorothy Anderson wished Rosy fine positivity for the new book and for continued inspiration from the world around her home. A lovely afternoon enjoyed by all, hopefully to be repeated next year.

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