W.I. Meeting – Meet the Local Artist

14th March 2023 | Wickhambrook W.I.

For our February Meeting our local artist, Amanda Barrett came to give a demonstration on how to compose a small oil painting. Amanda was working from a photograph which she had cropped to find the best perspective explaining the “rule of three”. By dividing the picture into three segments the painting becomes more manageable. With oil painting it is better to begin with the darkest sections of the picture and work through to the lighter parts. As she worked Amanda talked about how she enjoys working out of doors especially and told stories of places she has visited. This is not always in the countryside however and she told us of a trip to London with a group of artists who set up outside Fortnum and Mason to paint the storefront. Being desperate for a cup of coffee she asked the doorman if she could have one from the cafe. Describing how she was dressed in old clothes which were covered in paint and dragging a trolley with all her painting equipment on board, she didn’t hold up much hope. However, the doorman duly brought her a coffee but then asked could she please drink it round the corner out of sight! By the end of the session the small oil painting was taking shape and we had been given several tips on how to achieve different effects using basic tools such as tooth picks. Amanda then very kindly judged the competition which was to produce a small oil painting, watercolour or piece of art. Several pieces of work had been entered but the winner was our president who had produced a pen and ink drawing. We all left feeling inspired to nurture our hidden Michelangelo!

For our February Meeting our local artist, Amanda Barrett came to give a demonstration on how to compose a small oil painting. Amanda was working from a photograph which she had cropped to find the best perspective explaining the “rule of three”. By dividing the picture into three segments the painting becomes more manageable. With oil painting it is better to begin with the darkest sections of the picture and work through to the lighter parts. As she worked Amanda talked about how she enjoys working out of doors especially and told stories of places she has visited. This is not always in the countryside however and she told us of a trip to London with a group of artists who set up outside Fortnum and Mason to paint the storefront. Being desperate for a cup of coffee she asked the doorman if she could have one from the cafe. Describing how she was dressed in old clothes which were covered in paint and dragging a trolley with all her painting equipment on board, she didn’t hold up much hope. However, the doorman duly brought her a coffee but then asked could she please drink it round the corner out of sight! By the end of the session the small oil painting was taking shape and we had been given several tips on how to achieve different effects using basic tools such as tooth picks. Amanda then very kindly judged the competition which was to produce a small oil painting, watercolour or piece of art. Several pieces of work had been entered but the winner was our president who had produced a pen and ink drawing. We all left feeling inspired to nurture our hidden Michelangelo!

WI Meeting Meet the Artist - Amanda Barrett
WI Meeting Meet the Artist - Amanda Barrett
WI Meeting Meet the Artist - Amanda Barrett

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