WI Meeting Report – SERV Suffolk and Cambs Blood Runners

27th April 2022 | Wickhambrook W.I.

The term “Blood Runners” conjures up all sorts of images but this is just the nickname of a group of dedicated people who make up SERV. We were expecting a young, long-haired youth on a flashy motor bike but Kerry arrived by car instead!

He explained he does have a motor bike but no long hair. He began by telling us that he had been donating blood since the age of 18 and felt he wanted to contribute to a worthwhile cause.

The original organisation was set up in 1961 and SERV was set up in Suffolk in 2010. Kerry was at pains to point out that the organisation depends 100% on charity, they receive no government funding and members have to buy their own bikes and equipment. They transport mainly blood products between hospitals or wherever they are needed. They have also been called upon to transport breast milk which can be vital for premature babies.

There are 100 volunteers and they work on a relay system to move products across the country. Just this month they have completed 228 runs and 605 runs this year.

Local controllers are on duty to track products as they are passed to each rider, they could be on duty for several hours at a time. Volunteers may be called upon to restock air ambulances as one of their tasks and their spare time is spent fund raising at fairs and festivals as well as giving talks.

Kerry did not dramatise this work in any way but we were left wondering just how the NHS would cope without this dedicated group of volunteer “Blood Runners”.

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