Wickhambrook United Reformed Church formally closed

17th February 2021 | Churches Together


article submitted by Revd Elaine S Colechin

On 1st February 2021, sadly, Wickhambrook United Reformed Church was formally closed. With the congregation’s agreement, this decision was taken by the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church. We have been struggling for a number of years now, but our closure due to the pandemic has confirmed that the time has now for the church to close.

Over the next few months, we will be clearing out the church of items that are not ‘fixtures and fittings’. If there is anyone in the village who would a memento of the chapel or they know there is something that their family gave to the church and they would like to have it, they are very welcome to contact me by email

In time, all the church’s records will be deposited at the Suffolk Archives.

I cannot say what will happen to the buildings, although they are Grade II listed, so this will be a limiting factor. It will be in the hands of Synod to manage that side of the closure, and any concerns about the buildings are to be addressed to them.


Revd Elaine S Colechin

Minister of the United Reformed Churches in West Suffolk
Bury St Edmunds, Clare, Long Melford, Haverhill
and Wickhambrook