Wickhambrook WI enjoyed three festive events at the beginning of December.
On Saturday 7th December members hosted a “Tea and Cakes” afternoon which also included a Bottle Tombola, Raffle, a Christmas Hamper Raffle and a “Guess the Weight of the Cake” competition. The cake was made by member Jo Taylor.
This was followed by a “Wreath-making” afternoon on Sunday 8th December led by Mitch Karunaratne. This was very successful and members were delighted with their efforts to produce stunning home-made wreaths.
Finally on Tuesday 10th December approximately 40 members enjoyed a Christmas Evening Dinner at the Three Horseshoes pub in Barrow. Meals had been pre-ordered and the staff coped well with a large group of lively WI ladies! The evening became livelier as more bottles of wine were consumed and ladies enjoyed their meal. Hilary Bradfield wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and members each left with a festive gift.