Wickhambrook WI November Meeting : A Survivor’s Story

22nd November 2023 | Wickhambrook W.I.

The title of this month’s talk did not prepare us for the harrowing tale we were to be presented with. Jeannie Bloomfield, a member of Walsham Le Willows WI and the National Federation told us her life story. At the age of 15 she was told to leave the family home to fend for herself. She worked as an apprentice hairdresser and found lodgings wherever she could. She found herself in the hands of an older man who proceeded to abuse her physically, sexually and emotionally. Jeannie was married at 17 and had two sons, all the while being beaten and abused. Six months pregnant with her third child she was hurled down the stairs resulting in the stillbirth of a daughter. Eventually she was beaten so badly that she was hospitalised and was finally able to escape with her children. Given a new home and the chance to start again Jeannie realised how little help there was for women in her situation back in the sixties. Most abuse was classified as “domestic” and the police were unable or unwilling to interfere. Jeannie became a tireless campaigner for legal aid for women who had been abused. Indeed this became a Resolution taken up by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes.

Jeannie initially became involved with “Relate” and in 1977 she moved to Suffolk and joined the WI . She is now the Patron of Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre which works to help women who have suffered the sort of abuse that Jeannie experienced for 10 years. Jeannie refuses to be classified as a “victim” as she feels that she did nothing wrong and is keen to channel her energy into helping others.

Jeannie was then joined by two fellow workers from the Women’s Aid Centre : Tracy Harvey, an Outreach Support Worker and Louise Mallan, Refuge and Young Person Support Worker. They described the kind of help given to women and children who turn up at the centre, often with very few belongings. This ranges from practical help with bedding, clothing, toys etc to help with filling in forms and applying for legal aid.

The aim is to offer safety, security and support in a welcoming environment. The support workers run workshops and go into schools talking about healthy relationships. The refuge in Bury has 8 rooms and a large garden ideal for children to enjoy outside space.

The three speakers were also joined by Judy Harper who volunteers at the Women’s Aid Centre. She was keen to promote the invaluable work carried out at Bury and pointed out that there are far more shelters for animals than battered women in this country! Despite the horrendous experiences suffered by the women, what came across was the positive and upbeat attitude of the people at the Centre and it was hard not to admire the work being done to help women who have suffered greatly in their lives.

A Survivors Story
A Survivors Story

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