information from West Suffolk Council
People’s views will be at the heart of forming a new Local Plan for West Suffolk which will help shape the future of communities and supporting development up to 2040.
The Local Plan helps local communities continue to thrive in the future by setting out where homes will be built and supports where new jobs and other vital facilities are located. All West Suffolk planning decisions are judged against Local Plan policies.
The Local Plan ensures the right number and types of homes are built in the right places and through its policies supports the provision of space for employment, green spaces, education, culture, health and sports facilities. It also looks at how infrastructure supports this growth and challenges faced in the area, such as climate change.
It is also vital to prevent speculative development that could harm local communities and the environment. It ensures growth is well planned and supports future ambitions for the future.
The process in involves three consultation stages with the first being the Issues and Options which will start in October and last for 10 weeks.
This initial stage which will help shape the plan and the future of West Suffolk as it develops. The Issues and options part has three parts: Part One includes a vision for West Suffolk for the plan period to 2040 and a new draft settlement hierarchy; Part Two sets out issues in West Suffolk that are particularly relevant to our area; and Part Three contains sections for the towns, key service centres, local service centres and villages identified in the draft settlement hierarchy in part one of the plan.
At this first information gathering stage, the council will be consulting and seeking comments on a variety of issues and options. This includes questions such as have we identified the challenges correctly and relevant local issues as well as is the settlement hierarchy right and is yours in the right place.
Due to COVID-19 engagement on this will naturally be different to before the pandemic. There will be a range of ways people will be able to see the information, find out more and have their say, including a virtual exhibition online. As and if guidance changes on social gatherings the engagement will change to meet this where possible.
We want everyone in and beyond West Suffolk to be involved in preparing your new local plan.
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