Welcome to Wickhambrook

Wickhambrook is one of the parishes of West Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council

Local History Society

The Premier Protestant Printer, John Dye and his connections to Little Bradley

The Premier Protestant Printer, John Dye and his connections to Little Bradley

If you visit Little Bradley church, I am sure you will be struck by the monument to John Daye, his wife Alice le Hunte and their thirteen children. But who was John Daye? Wendy Barnes has been researching the history of Little Bradley for thirty years and keeps discovering more, thanks to the internet…

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Medieval Woollen Cloth Industry in Suffolk

Dr Nick Amor was our October speaker and his subject was the Medieval Woollen Cloth Industry in Suffolk. We already knew the importance of Suffolk in the rearing of sheep and the making of cloth but one of the most interesting pieces of new (to us)information was that in 1483, Richard Broun, a woolman of Wickhambrook was sued in the courts for £40, the equivalent of many thousands today…

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History Society Summer Outings

During the summer the History Society went on two excellent outings with fine weather, interesting locations and good company. The first was to Lincoln Cathedral and Castle where we had guided tours by two guides who brought the past to life and spent lots of time chatting, answering questions and generally making us feel very welcome. We also visited Gressenhall Workhouse and Museum of Norfolk Life…

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History Society AGM – History and the Printed Cartoon

At the AGM, the committee and office-bearers were re-elected to serve for another year. The secretary, Gillian Cooper, unveiled the new programme and gave details of summer outings to Lincoln Castle and Cathedral and Gressenhall Workhouse Museum and Farm. The speaker for the evening was Martin Roper and his subject was History and the Printed Cartoon…

Continue reading: History Society AGM – History and the Printed Cartoon