Last Autumn West Suffolk Council consulted on Issues and Options for a new local plan. One of the key concerns many residents raised with the parish council, was the need for affordable housing for Wickhambrook residents. For this reason, we have decided to carry out a more detailed survey to try and get a better understanding of future housing need for the village…
General News
Latest VAS data for B1063
Infographic on the speeds recorded on B1063 near Wickhambrook School…
A Joint Parish Council & Memorial Social Centre Open Day
The Parish Council and MSC work hard to promote, respond to and improve a wide range of issues in Wickhambrook. The last year has been difficult for everyone with the pandemic, and we wanted to create an opportunity to celebrate some of our achievements over the past year, and to look forward to some ongoing and new projects in the parish, working more closely as a team…
RIDE service to WSH
We operate from Haverhill to West Suffolk Hospital, Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm…
What to do if you have had a first dose, but not second dose, of the Covid-19 vaccination
Today’s infographic provides information about what to do if you have had the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination, but not yet had a second dose….
High Sherriff Visit to The Voluntary Network
The Voluntary Network were honoured by the visit of The High Sherriff of Suffolk on Tuesday 1st June. During his visit, The High Sherriff presented The Suffolk Award to The Voluntary Network for its outstanding service to the community in Suffolk during the Covid 19…
Support for vulnerable people to carry on living in their own home
Hundreds of vulnerable people across West Suffolk will be able to receive support to carry on living in their own homes rather than having to go into hospital or care thanks to record funding. Independent Living in Suffolk (ILS) has received £1.5 million for its work in West Suffolk from the Government’s Better Care Fund…
Repairs to the verges on Cemetery Road
The Parish Council have just heard from Logan Homes that they’re expecting the repairs to the verges to be done next week, but not later than the end of May…
Suffolk Coronawatch Bulletin Overview
In the week up to May 5 there have been 144 new cases of COVID-19 in Suffolk. This is a drop of 48 cases on the previous week. The underlying rate of new weekly cases in Suffolk has risen and is now at 19.7 cases per 100,000 people. This rate is above the rates for the East of England region (19.1 / 100,000) but below England as a whole (22.6 / 100,000)…
Password tips
With so many of us spending time online, it’s more important than ever we protect our accounts….
Footpath 25 Drainage Improvement Works
Next week (w/c 10th May), Suffolk County Council Public Rights of Way Team are starting work to improve the drainage of the first 50 metres of Footpath 25 from the Coltsfoot Green end…
Take Five and research online sellers
In the rush to bag a bargain, it’s easy to forget that fake sellers, goods and offers are commonplace on social media and auction sites…
Games Area and Skate Park closed until further notice
The Parish Council has had to close the Games Area and Skate Park until further notice whilst the panelling is replaced. We’ve noticed that some of the boards are being made use of as temporary dens…
Play Area bin
The Bin in the main play area at the Recreation is regularly overfilled – please, if you see that the bin is nearly full, could you use the large combined bin just outside the play area…
Take 10 to read campaign
On May 10th at 10am, we’re calling on the nation to Take 10 and read. Research has shown that reading can be an effective way of helping people take care of their mental health and wellbeing – and it only takes 10 minutes a day to see the benefits!
NHS National Diabetes Prevention Programme – NDPP
The NDPP is a FREE behaviour change programme where people learn about, diet, physical activity and strategies to improve their overall health, all aimed at reducing their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes…
Lockdown Freedom! – poem
Poem about coming out of lockdown by Wendy Mansfield
Annual Parish Meeting
The Parish Council will not be holding the Annual Parish Meeting between 1 March and 30 June in the year 2021 – please read for more details…
Am I eligible for Covid-19 vaccine, testing and care?
The latest Message Cascaders infographic provides information for those people who are not sure if they are eligible for free Covid-19 vaccinations, testing and care…
Rules from 12 April 2021 – Stage two of the easing of lockdown
This infographic covers the easing of lockdown rule changes that come into effect 12 April 2021…
Statement of Persons Nominated & Notice of Poll – Wickhambrook
Statement of Persons Nominated and Notice of Poll for the elections to be held on 6 May 2021
Census 2021 – it’s not too late!
While Sunday 21 March marked the day that millions of people across England and Wales completed their census returns, for those who have not yet submitted their online or paper questionnaires or have maybe misplaced their invitation letter, it’s not too late!
Suffolk Coronavirus News – Easing of lockdown starts today
From today the Government have put into force the next phase of easing the lockdown in England…
Infographic that covers the easing of lockdown rule changes (29 March 2021)
This infographic covers the easing of lockdown rule changes that come into effect today. We hope that you are finding the infographics useful…
Suffolk Says Keep Learning campaign survey
The Suffolk Says Keep Learning campaign is going to run towards the end of the year and will be centred on encouraging people to learn new skills and hobbies..
FREE Adventure Days over Easter 2021
Please see the promotional material for the FREE Adventure Days programme which has spaces available at several venues during the Easter Break…
Watch out for scams related to Census 2021
Census Day is coming! Households across the UK are currently receiving letters which include a unique 16-digit code to access the census online. Criminals may try to use this as opportunity to send phishing emails or texts…
2020 Recorder Report
I have been History Recorder since 1996 and one of my tasks is to submit an annual report about the village. In the past I have been able to use the Scene, What’s On, newspaper articles and the village website to keep up with what is going on but I am finding more and more that Facebook is the place for information, although it is very fleeting!
Vaccine Information Poster
A vaccine information poster developed by the West Suffolk Alliance for your information and to share with your contacts. The aim of this poster is to get clear information about the COVID-19 vaccine out to our communities and point people toward different resources which may be useful…
Online East Anglia Arthritis Action Groups
Join us on zoom to meet others, share hints and tips and learn about self-management techniques…