Spring bulbs are starting to appear, and if you’re walking past the cemetery, you’ll see that the Cherry Trees planted two years ago now have their first blossom appearing. It’s still cold though, so don’t forget the Warm Winter Wednesdays…
Parish Clerk Report
A Note from your clerk: Keep the Heat
Wickhambrook Parish Council are offering you a free thermal imaging survey of your home between 13th and 25th March 2025…
Parish Clerk December 2024 Newsletter
Hello, I hope you are all keeping safe and well. The trees have coloured up, the nights are drawing in – winter is coming!
A note from your clerk – please be considerate when parking to use the surgery
I’ve had some further complaints from residents in Boyden Close about parking issues near the Surgery…
A Note from your clerk -Work to parish trees
Our tree surgeon will be carrying out work to parish trees over this week and next (weather dependant)…
A note from your clerk – Thank you everyone
Thanks go out to our parish volunteers who came along to the last Wednesday volunteer morning of 2024 last week, and welcome to a new volunteer, David Conway…
A Note from your clerk – November Litterpick
Thank you to everyone who turned up to our litterpicks on Wednesday last week and Sunday. A total of 13 bags of rubbish and a large piece of foam across the two litter picks…
A Note from your clerk: Local Transport Plan for Suffolk
Sufolk County Council have invited the parish to participate in its public consultation on the next Local Transport Plan to 2040 and is encouraging feedback and comments via its online surveys…
A note from your clerk – New EV Chargers at Newmarket and Bury St Edmunds
New electric vehicle (EV) chargers are due to be fitted at The Guineas Shopping Centre car park in Newmarket and Parkway car park in Bury St Edmunds over October…
A Note from your clerk: Consultation on Specification for 2025/26 Grounds Contract
It seems a long way away, but the parish council has already been looking at the specification for its grounds contract for 2025/26…
A Note from your clerk – August bank holiday bin collection changes
Please take a look at the August Bank Holiday bin collection changes…
A note from your Clerk – litter pick thank you
Thank you to everyone who turned up for the litter pick on Sunday (and also those who litter picked at Bury Road on Wednesday 24th)…
A Note from Your Clerk – Please be careful on Footpath 24 (from Coltsfoot Green to Cloak Lane)
Hello, there is now some additional fencing at the top of the ditch running alongside Footpath 24 (this runs from Coltsfoot Green to Cloak Lane, starting at Coltsfoot Close). Please be very careful when walking the section of the path which follows the ditch – the bank is very steep (the drop is around 2 metres) and in some places the stream seems to be undercutting the bank…
Parish Clerk July/August 2024 Newsletter
Parish Clerk July/August 2024 Newsletter
A Note from your Clerk – Work to Memorials in Cemetery on Monday 24th June
We have stonemasons working in the cemetery on Monday carrying out repairs to some of the Memorials which were staked and banded to make safe following testing last summer…
A Note from your clerk: Connecting Communities – Volunteer Drivers Needed
The Voluntary Network was established in 2000, providing Community Transport and a Befriending Service across West Suffolk and neighbouring Cambridgeshire. Connecting Communities provides transport for those who would otherwise be rather isolated. They have an increasing number struggling to access medical appointments and are therefore looking to increase their volunteer team…
A Note from your clerk – Horringer Podcast – Meet the Candidates
In the run up to the General Election, Horringer Podcast, a community podcast, have been interviewing the candidates standing in the West Suffolk Constituency…
A note from your clerk – a few changes at Six Acres
Following requests from local residents, the Estates Committee earlier approved the purchase of a new bench, to be sited at the bottom of Six Acres by the footpath, overlooking the fields to the East. We’ve now been able to install the bench, and hope that you enjoy a few quiet moments and the view!
A Note from your Clerk – damage to amenity grass and gardens – update
Thank to you everyone who contacted me about the damage caused by spray in Wickhambrook in early May. I’ve just received an update from Suffolk Highways…
A Note from Your Clerk – D Day 80
Today marks the 80th Anniversary of D Day. Whilst there is no official ceremony in Wickhambrook, the cemetery is open if you would like to drop by for a moment of quiet contemplation…
A Note from your Clerk – D-Day 80
June 6th commemorates the 80th Anniversary of the D Day landings…
Annual Audit – Exercise of Public Rights
The parish council signed off on its Annual Audit at its April Meeting. The period for exercise of public rights takes place between 3rd June and 12th July…
A Note from your Clerk – Grounds Maintenance
Thank you to everyone who has sent through or posted images of recent cuts of the Recreation Ground, Six Acres and the Cemetery…
A note from your clerk – Damage to amenity grass and garden boundaries
Thank you everyone for your messages of concern about damage caused to plants and grass in Wickhambrook, which has been traced back to spraying of pavements and footpaths on or around 1st May…
A note from your clerk – planned works to Duddery Water Recycling Centre
I’ve just received information from Anglian Water about environmental investment at the Water Recycling Centre off Duddery Lane to protect river water quality…
A Note from your clerk – Damage from weed spraying in Wickhambrook
Thank you to everyone who has raised this as an issue with me. It’s really disappointing that public and private areas have been damaged in this way…
A note from your clerk – Suffolk Walking Festival
The Suffolk Walking Festival takes place annually in May and runs this year until 26th May…
A Note from your clerk: Wickhambrook Big Picnic Lunch
A few residents from the village, and the local clubs, have got together to organise a Big Picnic Lunch at the Recreation Ground on Saturday 1st June (weather permitting)…
A note from your clerk – extensive roadworks in and around Wickhambrook 26 April – 2nd May
Please check the details published previously…
Parish Clerk April/May Newsletter
I’ve enjoyed some lovely weekends working in the garden and it really seems that spring is around the corner, despite some really stormy weather at times! At the beginning of March we had our first Cemetery tidy day of the year…