Latest News…
A note from your Clerk – Cemetery Tidy Days
Thanks go out to Mary Jolland, our lay environment and sustainability officer on the Estates Committee, for organising our Cemetery Tidying Mornings…
A note from your Clerk – Dogs in Parks
There’s been quite a bit in the news recently about dogs etiquette in public places! As a dog owner myself, it’s lovely to see our dogs socialising and playing in open spaces, but please keep in mind that dogs should be under control on Six Acres and on lead on the Recreation Ground…
Parish Council Vacancies
Parish Council Meetings are open to the public so why not come along? We hope that you will find it interesting and we would like to increase our community engagement. This helps to ensure that the decisions that are reached have the support of local residents. You never know, you may wish to get more involved – there are lots of ways to contribute, from attending meetings and asking questions, to joining in with volunteer events, becoming a lay member on our Estates Committee, or becoming a Councillor!
West Suffolk Council News – Join the walk to clean up our air and look after your mind
West Suffolk Council is supporting Clean Air Day and inviting residents to see that covering journeys of less than a mile by foot or wheel is a viable and enjoyable alternative to driving…
Wickhambrook Scene – May 2023
We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of The Wickhambrook Scene is now published. You can view the digital document by clicking the link hereOr by viewing the post on any of the local Facebook groups (Wickhambrook & Lidgate, Wickhambrook Community,...
Stetchworth walk
The Devils Dyke is one of the best preserved Anglo-Saxon earthworks in England. Thought to have been built by the Saxons in the 6th and 7th centuries AD to keep those Britons at bay, the bank and ditch stretches for 7.5 miles between Reach and Wood Ditton…
W.I. Big Help Out
On the Bank Holiday Monday of the Coronation weekend members of Wickhambrook WI were busy taking part in several schemes intended to improve areas of the village…
A note from your clerk – Award of the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel
Thank you to all who came to the Annual Parish Meeting last night, when the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel was presented. Kevin Grimes was the unanimous choice by the Parish Council for the award this year…
Conserving Antarctic Heritage
Although we are a local history society, it is good to be taken out of our Suffolk world occasionally and our May meeting did just that…
A Note from Your Clerk – Repainting the BT Call Box
Over the May bank holiday weekends, a fantastic group of volunteers organised by the lovely ladies of the WI prepped, primed and re-painted our BT call box which is used as the little lending library. Thank you so much on behalf of all the parish!
Parish Clerk May 2023 Newsletter
I’ve enjoyed some lovely time working in the garden and it really seems that spring is has arrived at last…
Calling all children from Wickhambrook aged 0-16 yrs
The Wickhambrook Summer Fete committee have purchased some King Charles 111 Coronation Mugs – one free for each child between 0-16 yrs living in Wickhambrook…
Wickhambrook WI Coronation Tea Party
With two consecutive Bank Holidays to choose from Wickhambrook WI decided to host a pre- Coronation Tea Party on the 29th April in the WI Hall…
A note from your clerk – Cemetery Tidy Thank You
Thanks go out to our lovely regulars Mary and Sally for all their work in the Cemetery this Wednesday…
A note from your clerk – a Spring Clean in Wickhambrook
The lovely ladies from the WI are re-furbishing our Little Lending Library (the old BT Call Box) at Shop Hill…
A note from your clerk – A Spring Clean in Wickhambrook
The lovely ladies from the WI will be re-furbishing our Little Lending Library (the old BT Call Box) at Shop Hill. Can you help with any of these activities?
A Note from your clerk – New Senior Wooden Goal End and Basketball Hoop
At its February meeting the parish council agreed to purchase a new Wooden Goal End and Basketball Hoop for the old MUGA space next to the Skate Park. We’re pleased to tell you that the suppliers have been on site today installing the Goal End and basket ball hoop. It will be fenced off until Wednesday/Thursday to allow for the concrete the posts are set into to fully harden. Please don’t try to use it until the fencing is down!
A Note from your clerk – New Senior Wooden Goal End and Basketball Hoop
At its February meeting the parish council agreed to purchase a new Wooden Goal End and Basketball Hoop for the old MUGA space next to the Skate Park…
Beware of Scammers sending fake Emergency Text Alerts
Scammers are likely to use the the new Emergency Text Alert system to try and steal money and personal information from victims…
2023 AGm & Talk on the Worlingworth Jubilee Painting
At the AGM, the present committee were all re-elected, with the addition of Jenny Barley. The speaker for the evening was Geoffrey Robinson who talked on the Worlingworth Jubilee painting…
A Note from your clerk – Consultation on Neighbourhood Planning Closes on 16th April
Consultation on Neighbourhood Planning Closes on 16th April…
A Note from Your Clerk: Elections to West Suffolk Council and Parish and Town Councils
Parish and District Elections will be held this year on Thursday 4th May…
A Note from your clerk – Consultation on Neighbourhood Planning
The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG) has been working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road…
W.I. Meeting – Beach Bonkers
This was the title of the March Meeting of Wickhambrook WI. Kate Osbourne came and launched into a passionate and damning description of what is happening to our beaches…
A note from your clerk – Message from Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Leaflets in the latest round of consultation in the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Wickhambrook should now have been delivered to every house in the parish…
A note from your clerk – new consultation on Neighbourhood Planning starts today
The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG) has been working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road. Our consultation on the draft options for this site goes live today…
A note from your clerk – new consultation on Neighbourhood Planning starts on 30th March
The Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Working Group has continued to be busy….
A Guide to Anglo-Saxon East Anglia
Our planned speaker for the evening was laid low by Covid so we were very lucky to have Martyn Roper to talk to us at very short notice. His subject was A Guide to Anglo-Saxon East Anglia, and we had a whistle-stop tour of many sites, some well-known and others more obscure…
A note from your clerk – parish and district elections – 4th May 2023
Parish and District Elections will be taking place on Thursday 4th May 2023. To check whether you’re already on the electoral register (a list of names and addresses of everyone who is entitled to vote), contact your local Electoral Registration Office…
Stanstead Walk
This walk has the distinction of going through the area of the highest point in Suffolk. This is supposed to be in Stanstead Great Wood but this does not agree with the contours on the Explorer 196 Sudbury, Hadleigh and Dedham Vale Ordnance Survey map which show a higher point to the west. The circuit also takes you down part of the drive and through the grounds of Kentwell Hall. The distance is almost 7 miles…
A note from your clerk – Litter pick on Sunday 26th March – 11am – 3:00pm
Can you spare an hour or so to improve the look of your village? Mary Jolland, our lay member on the Estates Committee for Environment and Sustainability has organised a litter pick…
W.I. Meeting – Meet the Local Artist
For our February Meeting our local artist, Amanda Barrett came to give a demonstration on how to compose a small oil painting…
A Note from your Clerk – March Newsletter
Hello, I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I’ve enjoyed some lovely weekends working in the garden and it really seems that spring is around the corner….
A note from your Clerk – Cherry Tree Planting Thankyou
Thank you to all our volunteers on Saturday 25th February for your help and good cheer with planting the Cherry Trees in Wickhambrook Cemetery…
A note from your Clerk – Volunteer Day thanks
Thanks go out to Mary Jolland and Roger Medley who joined our first volunteer day in Wickhambrook Cemetery yesterday…
February Newsletter from Cllr Bobby Bennett
Here is Cllr Bobby Bennett’s February Newsletter…
2022 Recorder Report for Wickhambrook
The year began with continuing anxiety about the latest variant of Coronavirus which had caused many Christmas events to be cancelled. Masks were being worn again in the village shop. A shelter was constructed outside the Surgery for people picking up prescriptions from the pharmacy…
Silk Weaving in Sudbury
Richard Heap who works for the firm of Stephen Walters &Son in Sudbury as Quality Manager was the very interesting speaker at our meeting this month. He gave us an overview of the history of the company and of its continuing success in the modern world…
Wickhambrook Scene – February 2023
We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of The Wickhambrook Scene is now published. You can view the digital document by clicking the link hereOr by viewing the post on any of the local Facebook groups (Wickhambrook & Lidgate, Wickhambrook Community,...
A note from your Clerk – Neighbourhood Plan mailbox
We’ve had a few problems with our mailbox over this last week which should now be resolved.
A note from your clerk: Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan – we need your photographs of the village
The Neighbourhood plan working group is looking for photographs of places of interest in the village, scenes of its landscape, pictures from the greens and of historical buildings.
The images are to include in the Neighbourhood Plan document which is being prepared. Can you help?
A Note from your clerk – Drainage works to C676 Wickham Street Road, Denston, C659 Church Road and The Duddery, Wickhambrook
Suffolk County Council Highways have announced planned works to carry out drainage improvements…
A note from your Clerk – West Suffolk Council Electoral Registration Team
As part of its approach to encouraging voter registration, West Suffolk Council is undertaking personal visits at properties where a resident has not responded to an ‘invitation to register’ form and the subsequent reminder forms that followed…
Neighbourhood Plan Update – February 2023
The Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Working Group has continued to be busy. Since you last saw us at the flower show in the Summer West Suffolk Council finished its consultation on their preferred site for building 40 homes and other Buildings, to which we and the parish council provided a detailed response
A note from your Clerk – February 2023
For me, February holds the first promise of spring, and I always look out for one of my favourite flowers, the woodland violet, as I walk my dog. February also sees the financial year drawing to a close, with preparations for the annual audit underway, a review of existing policies, and a look at the work plans for the next financial year to identify key activities in the year ahead…
A Note from your clerk – Thank you to all our Wickhambrook Poop Fairies!
If you and your canine friend are caught short, we have spare bags at the entrances to the Recreation Ground and Six Acres…
A note from your Clerk – On Call Firefighters for Wickhambrook Fire Station
Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service are recruiting On Call Firefighters for Wickhambrook Fire Station…
A note from your clerk – Parish and District Elections this year
Parish and District elections will take place this year on Thursday 4th May…
W.I. Meeting – My Wish Charity Supporting West Suffolk Hospital
Our first meeting of the New Year welcomed two representatives from the My Wish Charity which is attached to local hospitals in Suffolk. We have previously supported this charity by donating money raised from our Friday Tea Parties…
Musical Director Required
Haverhill Singers urgently seek a new Musical Director to continue our successful growth & development.