Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan is a document that has been written by and for the community to help guide future development within the Parish of Wickhambrook. It explains what residents and businesses expect to see happen in the Parish. It will help us to ensure that we get the right sort of development that will protect and enhance the character of our village and still meet the needs of our growing population.

There are several phases involved in writing a Neighbourhood Plan.


Consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan took place between 4th November and 22nd December 2023.  Consultation responses in respect of the Draft List of properties for inclusion in Policy WHB 11 – Buildings and Structures of Local Significance (Non-Designated Heritage Assets) were extended until 5th January 2024.

This section of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, which looks at Buildings and Structures of Local Significance, was developed in response to previous surveys of the village, where 85% of the respondents said that enhancing existing heritage and historic assets was important, and 95% said it was important that new development should respect the local character. It is important to note almost 300 properties within the village responded, a very significant response.

At its meeting on 11th January, the public forum session in the meeting focussed on concerns and questions raised by residents about the draft list of Non-Designated Heritage Assets (NDHA’s) included in Wickhambrook’s Draft Neighbourhood plan, which was open to consultation in December last year (Min. 24.01.05 refers – excerpt attached as Appendix A).

The NPWG met on 22dn January ’24 to review (specifically) responses from the consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan relating to the draft list of properties for inclusion in policy WHB 11.

At this meeting, the parish council’s appointed planning consultant for the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan, Ian Poole of Places4People, confirmed that:

Having considered the many comments made and concerns raised during the consultation period and subsequently at the parish council meeting on 11th January about properties listed in WHB 11,  the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group agreed that it wishes the parish council to consider removing the draft list of proposed properties in WHB 11. However, it respects the wishes of residents in previous surveys as expressed in the consultation on the draft plan and has asked that appropriate statements be added to the neighbourhood plan, (yet to be determined), that will reinforce what the plan already says about proposals for new development respecting the character and distinctiveness of the immediate area including the significance of the historic environment and heritage assets.

There has been a substantial response to the consultation on the draft plan, and all the responses (not just those with respect to policy WHB 11) will have to be considered by our planning consultant, referring to any changes in legislation, planning policy and national frameworks, before a final draft plan can be brought back to the parish council for approval.  This is not likely to be before the scheduled meeting in April.

PHASE 4 - Building an Evidence Base

Update – October 2023

At the parish council’s September meeting the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG) provided an update on progress to preparing the Neighourhood Plan for Wickhambrook. A lot of work has been completed since July, including:

  • a review of the final landscape appraisal;
  • reviewing the headline policies in the Neighbourhood Plan framework
  • a slight adjustment to Community Action 7 to ensure that it is inclusive; and
  • compiling the list of non-designated historical assets

Up to 62 non-designated historical assets have been identified and submitted to West Suffolk Conservation Officer for assessment & verification. Property owners will be informed via letter and will be able to make comments at this stage. If a property meets the acceptance critieria defined by West Suffolk and is confirmed by West Suffolk officers it will be retained on the list. The final list of properties will be listed in the Neighbourhood plan.

The NPWG had also met with our consultant, Ian Poole (Places4People) to discuss the AECOM Master design plan. Following some initial discussions with West Suffolk about NPWG’s ideas Ian reported that:

  • West Suffolk agrees that uses on the site could be expanded to include both Class E and Class F2
  • Class F2 would allow for community facilities including the possibility of a new health centre
  • Class F2 would also allow for a small shop selling local essentials if smaller than 280 sqm and not within 1000 metres of another shop

(NB planning policy allows uses to change within a use class but not between classes)

IP had also discussed with West Suffolk reducing the sqm (area) devoted to mixed use on site 4.12a (for example to 450 sqm). West Suffolk suggest writing a draft policy to define the aspects of mixed use on the site and to ensure no single building would be of any great size. Any mixed use provision on site 4.12a would have to have off road car parking facilities to meet West Suffolk’s requirements.

Update on  NP Timetable

  • The parish council considered the Draft Neighbourhood Plan supplied by Places4People for statutory consultation at its meeting on 28th September and noting the points raised at Minute 23.09.07 approved it subject to any minor amendments and non-substantive changes agreed by Places4People and the Chair of the NP Working Group
  • The Parish Council are required, as part of the statutory six weeks consultation, to consult a range of bodies including neighbouring parish councils, local authorities and government bodies.
  • In the last days of October, a Neighbourhood Plan information leaflet will be delivered to all homes in the parish, explaining where and how people can look through the Plan and how they can comment on it.
  • Around end of October, the statutory six weeks public consultation with the village will start. This will include consulting other bodies including government bodies,
    neighbouring parish councils and local authorities and will run through to 22nd December.
  • A ‘drop-in’ launch event for start of consultation will take place on Saturday 4th November between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm at the Women’s Institute Hall, Cemetery Road
  • You’ll also be able to pick up a copy of the plan at the following venues, if you find it difficult to access online:
    • Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre Foyer
    • Wickhambrook Stores
    • The Greyhound Inn and Twenty-One
    • The Phone Box at Shop Hill

Once the consulation has closed, anything in the Plan that needs to change in light of comments from various parties including parishioners will be brought to the NPWG & PC for agreement of modification of the Plan. The revised Plan will go to West Suffolk for further six weeks consultation before being sent onto the external examiner. Following any final changes to Plan in light of any comments from West Suffolk and requirements of the external examiner, West Suffolk will call and organise a referendum on final Neighbourhood Plan (which may not be until autumn 2024).

Additional grant funding has been received, and a budget to the year end has been approved.

PHASE 3 - Gathering Evidence, Testing Ideas

  • Engaged with all stakeholders in the community. Identifying the key themes and aims
  • Gathered the evidence; tested ideas and consulted the community

We held two pop up events at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Picnic (5th June) and Wickhambrook Fete and Flower show (9th July).  We used these events to canvass residents views on West Suffolk’s preferred options for the Local Plan.  You can find a brief summary of our findings here.

For more information on West Suffolk’s Local Plan Preparation, see the tab.

Over the summer, we

1.   Continued with the Master Design Plan for the site proposed by West Suffolk (WS Reference 4.12a), noting that there is very clear opposition to the site being mixed use, the design should consider housing only and under West Suffolk guidelines include mixture of housing types, affordable housing and self-build plots.

2.   Prepared a plan for the two community consultations to take place in Autumn/ Winter 2022 for:
a. Draft Master Plan for the West Suffolk proposed allocated site
b. Draft Neighbourhood Plan To be delivered jointly by the NPWG and Parish Council.

PHASE 2 - Community Engagement

A Household Questionnaire was delivered to all households in the parish in February, and other members of the working group undertook interviews with members of the community who are employers, landowners or leaders of services as part of a Stakeholder Analysis.  A Summary of the responses from this Questionnaire can be found here.

In February, a housing needs survey was also carried out through Cambridgeshire ACRE, which achieved a response rate of 33% (this is exceptionally good).  You can find the Housing Needs Survey report here.

PHASE 1 - Designation of Neighbourhood Area

West Suffolk have confirmed that they have designated the entire parish as the Neighbourhood Area for Wickhambrook – follow this link to see the Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Area Plan

More Background Information about Neighbourhood Plans

About Neighbourhood Plans

The Neighbourhood Plan is a document that is written by and for the community to help guide future development within the Parish of  Wickhambrook. It will explain what residents and businesses expect to see happen in the Parish. It will help us to ensure that we get the right sort of development that will protect and enhance the character of our village and still meet the needs of our growing population.

Once the final document is written and has passed all of the relevant checks you will be asked to vote on it. If 50% of those that vote agree that it is acceptable it will become an official document (a made Plan) that will be used to determine planning applications against. This is an important document and it is important that we get it right. Your help in that process is appreciated.

Background to Neighbourhood Plans

A Neighbourhood Plan can:

  • Decide where and what type of development should happen in the neighbourhood
  • Promote more development than is set out in the Local Plan
  • Include policies, for example regarding design standards, that take precedence over existing policies in the Local Plan for the neighbourhood – provided the Neighbourhood Plan policies do not conflict with the strategic policies in the Local Plan.

A Neighbourhood Plan cannot:

  • Conflict with the strategic policies in the Local Plan prepared by the local planning authority, (West Suffolk Council)
  • Be used to prevent development that is included in the Local Plan

Typical things that a Neighbourhood Plan might include:

  • The development of housing, including affordable housing, and bringing vacant or derelict housing back into use.
  • Provision for businesses to set up or expand their premises.
  • Transport and access (including issues around roads, cycling, walking and access for disabled people).
  • The development of schools, places of worship, health facilities, leisure and entertainment facilities, community and youth centres and village halls.
  • The restriction of certain types of development and change of use, for example to avoid too much of one type of use.
  • The design of buildings.
  • Protection and creation of open space, nature reserves, allotments, sports pitches, play areas, parks and gardens, and the planting of trees.
  • Protection of important buildings and historic assets such as archaeological remains.
  • Promotion of renewable energy projects, such as solar energy and wind turbines.

The Neighbourhood Plan has to take account of Local Plans and Strategies that have already been agreed. The key documents relevant to the Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan are: Rural Vision 2031

Plan Timeline

West Suffolk Local Plan Preparation : July '22 - Preferred Options

West Suffolk Local Plan (Regulation 19) Submission Draft

A final consultation on the West Suffolk Local Plan, which will guide how and where new homes are built and allocate land for employment growth to the year 2040 runs between 30th January and 12th March 2024.  This consultation is to test and check the plan ahead of it being submitted to the Secretary of State. The government will then appoint a planning inspector to hold an examination in public.

The latest draft seeks to ensure the delivery of at least 13,702 new homes to meet housing needs across the district. It allocates sites for 5,211 new homes alongside 9,075 homes that already have planning permission. It also allows for windfall allowance of 1,200 homes. By identifying more than the minimum number needed, the local plan allows flexibility during the plan period.

It also makes provision for 86 hectares of employment growth enabling the council to help support the expansion of existing local companies, the creation of new businesses, and to attract new businesses to the area, all to the benefit of the local West Suffolk economy.

In addition to allocating sites, the local plan contains policies to boost the delivery of affordable housing in the district, with a requirement for 40 per cent of homes on greenfield sites to be for affordable housing.

It seeks to make new homes more sustainable which better for the environment and people’s energy bills. This would be through measures including solar panels on roofs wherever practically possible.

The latest draft of the local plan also recognises the need to design places to encourage health and wellbeing and for more homes to be adaptable to people’s changing needs, particularly as people get older. That then means people may be able to carry on enjoying their home for longer, preventing or delaying them having to go into care. Space standards are also introduced for rooms and gardens for all new houses as well as access to additional open space for people living in flats.

When it is eventually adopted, the local plan will be used to decide planning applications. With or without a local plan, development will still happen, but by allocating the land for much needed housing and employment, the local plan also protects other areas such as the countryside from harmful, speculative development, and it ensures that residents and elected councillors, continue to have a public voice and a say on planning applications submitted to the council.

There are a number of Drop-in events being put on by West Suffolk, where members of the planning team will be available to answer questions.  Click on this link The Local Plan Affects You Poster to check the dates and venues.

The parish council will be considering the draft Local Plan and its response at its next scheduled meeting on Thursday 29th February (7:30pm at Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre), but don’t forget that you can also respond directly to West Suffolk. You can view the plan and give feedback by going to

You can also follow these links to view the following documents published by West Suffolk Council:

West Suffolk Local Plan Preparation : November '21 Issues and Options

West Suffolk is currently reviewing its Local Plan.  In November 2021 it published its consultation on Issues and Options.

Wickhambrook Issues and Options

More recently, it published a consultation on its preferred options.  This consultation has now closed, but the parish council responded to all 3 parts, and you can see the draft responses here:

WPC-EO-22-07-02 Preferred Options Local Plan Consultation.pdf (

West Suffolk Local Plan Part One Strategic Policies (

West Suffolk Local Plan Preferred Options: Part Two – non-strategic policies (

WPC-22-07-03 Preferred Options Local Plan Consultation.pdf (


Get Involved

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group is made up of parish residents, including:

  • Richard Byers & Roger Merry – Secretaries
  • Tracey Turner – Wickhambrook Parish Councillor

Additional Parish Residents who are members of the Neighbourhood Plan working group:

Diana Carroll, Emily Bayman, Jamie Green, Maro Limnios, Penny Bayman, Sandra Law, Sue Sternberg and Tara Hayden.

If you would like to get involved, please drop a line to .  If you would like updates about parish council events and activities, including Neighbourhood planning, please sign up to our e-newsletter by contacting .

Previous Updates on Progress

Wickhambrook Consultation Papers

View the Report here


Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
We’ve now reached a major milestone by commencing the consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan.  Consultation lasts until Friday 22 December.  It’s your chance to say whether or not you support the content of the Plan or would like to see some changes.  The Plan can be downloaded here

We’ve also produced a summary leaflet which has been distributed to every household and business.

You can view a summary of the plan on the video below:

Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Oct 2023 video overlay

A paper copy of the Plan is available to borrow for a limited period from the following locations:

Wickhambrook Stores
Greyhound pub
Phone box at Thorns Corner
Memorial Social Centre

You can also borrow a paper copy from any of your Parish Councillors or email:

How you can comment

We would welcome your comments and would prefer submission to us via the online form linked below.

Online Comments Form

Download Comments Form

Completed paper comments forms can be returned to post box in Phone Box at Thorns Corner.

What next

Following the completion of the consultation, we will review comments received, make any necessary amendments to the Plan and then submit it to West Suffolk Council in order that it can proceed to examination and a parish referendum.

Reference Documents

A number of studies and reference documents are available and which are referred to in the Plan. They are set out below:

Wickhambrook Design Code

Wickhambrook NP Site Masterplanning Report

Wickhambrook Local Green Spaces Assessment

Wickhambrook Assessment of Buildings and Structures of Local Significance

Wickhambrook Site Landscape Appraisal

Household Survey Summary of Responses 

October 2023

The Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Working Group has continued to be busy.  Since you last saw us at the fete and flower show in the July, the group has completed:

  • a review of the final landscape appraisal;
  • reviewing the headline policies in the Neighbourhood Plan framework
  • a slight adjustment to Community Action 7 to ensure that it is inclusive; and
  • compiling the list of non-designated historical assets

The Parish Council approved the Draft Neighbourhood Plan supplied by Places4People for statutory consultation at its meeting on 28th September.

Next week, as part of its statutory six weeks consultation (4th November to 22nd December ’23), you should by now have received a Neighbourhood Plan information leaflet which will be delivered to all homes in the parish, explaining where and how you can look through the plan and comment on it.  If you haven’t received a leaflet by 1st November, please contact either the clerk  or one of your councillors.

Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan video overlay

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group will be holding a ‘drop-in’ launch event for start of consultation which will take place on Saturday 4th November between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm at the Women’s Institute Hall, Cemetery Road.  Refreshments will be available.

There will also be two further ‘drop in’ events, both at the Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre – on

  • 30th November Public session of the Parish Council meeting – 7pm; and
  • 10th December – Farmers Market 10am  – 12 pm

Your comments are really important to us!  Please read our Draft Neighbourhood Plan (available from Friday 3rd November) and then go to our on-line survey to tell us what you think.

Don’t forget if you don’t have access to the internet, paper copies will be available to borrow from the following locations:

  • Wickhambrook Stores
  • Greyhound pub
  • Phone box at Thorns Corner
  • Memorial Social Centre

You can also borrow a paper copy from any of your Parish Councillors or email:

You can also collect a paper response form at the Drop-in Event or from the phone box at Thorns Corner, any of your Parish Councillors – or email:

You can submit your completed comments form by posting it in the post box in the phone box at Thorns Corner.

This is your chance to help create a vision for development in Wickhambrook for the next 20 years. To make sure the Neighbourhood Plan reflects your views, please send in your comments – even if you support everything in the draft Plan.

Once the consultation has closed (22nd December), anything in the Plan that needs to change in light of comments from various parties including parishioners will be brought to the NPWG & PC for agreement of modification of the Plan. The revised Plan will go to West Suffolk for further six weeks consultation before being sent onto the external examiner.

July 2023

At the parish council’s July meeting the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group provided an update on progress to preparing the Neighbourhood Plan for Wickhambrook. A lot of work has been completed since May, including reviews of both the:

  • commissioned landscape appraisal (Appendix B); and
  • draft Masterplan prepared by AECOM (Appendix C)

You can find full details in the report to the parish council

The NPWG has also been finalising the listings of listed buildings and buildings/structures of historical significance in the parish.

We anticipate that the draft document will be available for the Parish Council to consider at its September meeting. The final draft should then be ready to go out to:

  • the Residents of Wickhambrook
  • neighbouring parishes
  • local business, the school and surgery

on consultation for formal comments in the Autumn. This consultation will be 6 weeks, with a formal launch event/evening and other face to face opportunities for questions/clarifications
The latest timetable is shown below:

Updated Timeline

(view larger image here)

The most important piece of work completed by the group has been drawing out the Community Actions for inclusion in the draft plan.  These were approved by the parish council at its meeting on 27th July and are summarised below and you can  view the full document with the rationale behind each Community Action.

Community Action 1 – Wildlife and Conservation

The Parish Council will work with the Wickhambrook Estates Committee and interested parishioners in order to sustain and improve the natural environment in and around the village. Actions to be considered will include:

  • conserving trees and hedgerows, initially by carrying out an audit of assets
  • protecting green spaces and woodlands and enhancing their value for wildlife
  • working with landowners to promote take-up of stewardship schemes, including
    opening up permissive paths and fostering wild flower mixes on field margins
  • promoting biodiversity by establishing wild areas, wildlife habitats and wildlife
    corridors around the parish.

Community Action 2 – Tidy Village

The Parish Council and the Estates Committee will set up a ‘tidy village’ action group to tackle litter, dog fouling, graffiti and other forms of vandalism around the village. The ‘tidy village’ action group will work with teams of volunteers to maintain and improve public amenities, including the children’s play area; green spaces, including the playing fields; and, in collaboration with Suffolk Highways, the pathways, pavements and verges around the village.

Community Action 3 – Highways maintenance

The Parish Council will work with landowners and parishioners to ensure that actions are taken to improve and maintain the quality of Wickhambrook’s network of roads and lanes. Emphasis will be placed upon matters to include:

  • getting pot holes filled and repaired
  • clearing ditches and drains
  • maintaining hedges and verges.

Community Action 4 – Traffic Management

The Parish Council will work with Suffolk Highways to ensure that actions are taken to make Wickhambrook’s roads and lanes safer for all users, to manage traffic and to tackle speeding and inconsiderate road use. Priority will be given in the work of the parish’s road safety working group to issues that include:

  • inhibiting the speed of vehicular traffic
  • ensuring that pavements are wide enough and well-maintained
  • improving safety at crossing points and junctions.

Community Action 5 – Footpaths and Bridleways

The Parish Council will take actions to maintain and enhance the network of safe and waymarked footpaths, bridleways and cycle routes around Wickhambrook. The Parish Council will also seek to work with the County Highways Department and neighbouring Parish Councils to extend this network further afield in order to develop safe off-road connections with settlements such as Ousden, Lidgate, Cowlinge, Stradishall, Denston, Depden and Hargrave.

Community Action 6 – Historic Assets

The Parish Council will co-ordinate actions to conserve notable listed and non-listed buildings, the outlying greens and hamlets and other cherished features of our environment. Local features noted to be of particular importance to village residents, and therefore in need of protection, include:

  • old houses, historic buildings, history and heritage, including the churches
  • Wickhambrook’s ancient pattern of outlying village greens and hamlets.

Community Action 7 – Activities and Opportunities

The Parish Council will explore options, in consultation with village residents, for providing additional activities and social opportunities for various groups of villagers including:

  • social care and activities in the community for older people
  • activities and opportunities for young people
  • a group providing activities for men, perhaps located in a ‘man shed’.

Community Action 8 – Allotments and community gardens

The Parish Council will work with developers and parishioners to explore options for providing family allotments or community growing spaces in the village. Future provision for vegetable and flower growing and general gardening might include:

  • spaces allocated to individuals and families
  • spaces gardened by community groups.

In consultation with parishioners and in partnership with developers, the Parish Council may also decide to set aside spaces for community use as play areas, wildlife zones, enhanced landscapes and places for relaxation and leisure.

Community Action 9 – Community Land Trust

The Parish Council will work with landowners and interested village residents in order to set up a Community Land Trust for Wickhambrook. This Community Land Trust will be tasked with planning, building and managing a group of 16 new and affordable homes on land adjacent to the developments south-west of Bunters Road. These homes will be maintained in perpetuity by the Community Land Trust for the benefit of local people (village residents and/or close family members of village residents) and will provide a range of affordable living options for people at various stages of their lives – starter homes for young people; family homes; and homes for older people. Partnerships with housing associations will facilitate the day-to-day management of these homes and maintain costs for residents permanently at affordable levels.

The Community Land Trust will also manage land to be devoted to the provision of community facilities. In consultation with parishioners, the Parish Council will determine whether these facilities should include, for example:

  • community gardens or leisure spaces as set out in Community Action 7
  • community retail facilities such as a stall for fruit, vegetables and produce
  • community workshops or meeting rooms
  • a relocated health centre.

May 2023

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the recent questionnaire on the Site Masterplan commissioned from AECOM.  We received a total of 126 responses and are currently evaluating the individual comments.

Here is a summary of the results.

Results Summary


The site

We had several comments about the process, and, in particular, why the number of houses and why this site.

West Suffolk requested potential sites to be offered up under SHELAA (Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) a few years ago.   West Suffolk have since run two public consultations on their Local Plan, initially indicating all of the sites around the parish which were under consideration (Issues & Options, 2021), their most recent public consultation (Preferred Options, 2022) indicating their preferred site was 4.12a the Land adjacent to Bunters Road.  In this consultation they also advised that they were expecting this land to accommodate 40 dwellings and mixed-use premises.  All West Suffolk’s consultation documentation and the public replies are on their website:

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group is still busy gather information for the Neighbourhood Plan and are now concentrating on writing the community actions and the list of listed buildings and buildings or structures within the Parish of historical significance.  We fully expect the draft plan to be ready for the Parish Council to review in late Summer of this year, with the final draft ready to go to the Residents of Wickhambrook, neighbouring parishes, local businesses, the school and the surgery for formal comments in the Autumn.  This consultation period will be 6 weeks, you will receive an invite to the formal launch event, with other face to face opportunities for questions or clarifications during the consultation period.

Before then we will be at the Wickhambrook Fete & Flower  show on July 8th to answer questions and provide further information on the Neighbourhood Plan progress

In the meantime, you can contact us on

or the Parish clerk () or check the minutes of the meetings published on the Wickhambrook parish website

March 2023

The Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Working Group has continued to be busy.  Since you last saw us at the flower show in the Summer West Suffolk Council finished its consultation on their preferred site for building 40 homes and other Buildings, to which we and the parish council provided a detailed response. The land alongside Bunters Road is now West Suffolk Council’s preferred location for any new homes and other premises in our parish.

A draft copy of the Landscape appraisal of all sites offered up under SHELAA and preferred options has been received, and this report will form part of the Neighbourhood Plan support package.

You can also find the Design Code on our web pages (see published documents) which will help shape the way any new development looks and give guidance to any new building and importantly will be part of our Neighbourhood Plan.

Finally the group has been working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road. Our consultation on the draft options for this site goes live on 30th March,

(photo images by Jim and Gwen Ashling) and you should soon receive a detailed leaflet on the options identified by AECOM, together with a tear off questionnaire for you to submit your views, which you can leave in the collecting box in the old BT phone box near the shop.  Alternatively, you can complete the survey by going online, or e-mailing the working group at .  However you choose to respond, please let us have  your feedback by 16 April 2023.

February 2023

The Wickhambrook Neighbourhood Plan Working Group has continued to be busy.  Since you last saw us at the flower show in the Summer West Suffolk Council finished its consultation on their preferred site for building 40 homes and other Buildings, to which we and the parish council provided a detailed response. The land alongside Bunters Road is now West Suffolk Council’s preferred location for any new homes and other premises in our parish.

We’ve commissioned a full landscape survey of all sites offered up under SHELAA and preferred options, and this report will form part of the Neighbourhood Plan support package.

We’ve also commissioned a Design Code, which will help shape the way any new development looks and give guidance to any new building and importantly will be part of our Neighbourhood Plan.

Finally we are working with AECOM to provide a Development Plan, of the new site at Bunters Road. The draft options for this site will be available in February, and we expect to consult with you, the Parish and the landowners and West Suffolk before finalising any plans.  It’s important we get this right as these plans will form the backbone of the Neighbourhood Plan.

We fully expect to consult with the community and Parish in early Summer this year on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, with a final referendum late Summer.

There’s a lot of work to do in the meantime and we need your help. We need good quality digital photographs of the village and its surroundings.

We also need pictures of historical buildings and places of interest. We have a drop box folder where you can upload them, watch out for the poster on this.

You will hear from us soon on where, when and how you can give your feedback on the draft plans for the preferred site at Bunters Road, as we will be providing several pop up events – more details to follow on this, watch out for the posters and social media updates.

In the meantime you can contact us on

or the Parish clerk ()

Autumn 2022

Over the autumn, we have:

  • Looked at Community Actions (to be included in the Neighbourhood Plan) from the Household Questionnaire
  • Published the Design Guidance and Codes to guide future planning/building in the parish, commissioned as part of the Technical Assistance grant
  • Had the financial element of the grant application approved, which covers:
    • further consultations of the parish on both the outcome of the Master planning technical advice, and later, the draft Neighbourhood Plan (including publishing costs, printed materials, meetings, officer and consultant time and access costs) and
    • a landscape appraisal
  • Met with officers of West Suffolk Council’s Planning team and discussed options for Master planning of the proposed allocated site.  In light of guidance from West Suffolk and the outcome of the consultation process to date, the Neighbourhood Plan working group has decided to explore further stages of planning for the proposals set out in Preferred Options
  • Instructed the master design planning drafting for the Preferred Options site noting that there being very clear opposition to the site being mixed-use, the design should consider housing only and under West Suffolk guidelines include mixture of housing types, affordable housing and self-build plots.  However, taking into account West Suffolk Council’s preferred option for a mixed-use site (residential and employment), the Master planning team will also look at options for mixed use.

May 2022

There was a really good response to both the Housing Needs Survey and Household Questionnaire which took place in February.  The NP Working Group is now examining the responses in depth and preparing to publish results.  They’re also looking at the Preferred Options for the Local Plan which West Suffolk considered at Cabinet on 26th April  and will consider at Full Council on 17th May, before launching a full consultation on 26th May.  The consultation will run until late July.

We’re looking at how the responses from the Household Questionnaire mesh with the proposals under West Suffolk’s Preferred Options, and also looking at the housing allocation and the site(s) they have identified.

The next phase of work is to:

  1. publish our Household Questionnaire findings
  2. consider whether to apply for funding towards a development brief for any site(s) allocated

The parish council will be considering its response to the Local Plan Preferred Options consultation later this spring and will be working closely with NP Working Group to ensure that the findings of the Household Questionnaire and Housing Needs Survey are taken into account in developing its response.  We’ll be setting out a time line on how the parish council and NP working group will be working together on this shortly.

April 2022

A questionnaire was sent to every home in the parish asking you for your views. There were 258 replies, representing over half the households – a very good response.

This is what you said together with brief summaries of the recommendations from the Housing Needs Survey and West Suffolk’s proposal for housing development under the Preferred Options phase of the Local Plan:

Update December 2021

A Household Questionnaire has been drafted and this is due to be delivered to all households in the parish towards the end of January.

The parish council is also working to facilitate a housing needs survey at the same time, which would help establish whether there might be evidence to support a Rural Exception Site (affordable housing)  within the parish.  A decision on whether this can be delivered at the same time as the Household Survey will be reached at the January Parish Council meeting.

The application for Technical Support to look at Design Guides has been approved by Locality, together with the financial grant funding £5071 for the current financial year.

Cllr David Roach, Lead Councillor at West Suffolk Council, has kindly agreed to attend the January Parish Council meeting on 13th January to talk about progress on the Local Plan.  Preferred Options arising from West Suffolk’s earlier consultation on Issues and Options (November 2020) is on schedule for consultation in March to May 2022.

The Neighbourhood Plan group has agreed to make a Plan that would run until 2040 (in parallel with the WS Local Plan), and additionally aims to apply to carry out a Landscape Appraisal.

The Parish Meeting will be held at the Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre on Saturday 9th April between 10am and 4pm.  The NP working group plans to feed back an update on progress and a summary of preliminary findings from the Household Questionnaire at this meeting.  It is hoped that a presentation on West Suffolk Council’s Preferred Options Consultation can also be included at this event.

The Neighbourhood Plan Launch event

The Neighbourhood Plan Launch event

We’d like to thanks everyone who took the time to come and see us at the Neighbourhood Plan Launch event. We were encouraged by the attendance and had some interesting discussions and constructive feedback…

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A note from your clerk – the leaflet has landed!

A note from your clerk – the leaflet has landed!

As part of its statutory six weeks consultation (4th November to 22nd December ’23), you should by now have received a Neighbourhood Plan information leaflet delivered to all homes in the parish, explaining where and how you can look through the plan and comment on it…

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A note from your clerk – Draft Neighbourhood Plan

A note from your clerk – Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Next week, as part of its statutory six weeks consultation (4th November to 22nd December ’23), you should receive a Neighbourhood Plan information leaflet which will be delivered to all homes in the parish, explaining where and how you can look through the plan and comment on it…

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Contact the Parish Clerk

Contact info for the Parish Clerk or please complete the short form and we will be in touch.

Parish Clerk

3 Farriers Close, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2FP

(if you wish to correspond directly with one of the Parish Councillors, then please contact the Clerk for details).

07508 039810

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