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Flower Show Schedule 2018

Flower Show Schedule 2018

You can download your free 2018 Flower Show Schedule. The schedule includes your entry sheet which you should complete and hand in on Wednesday 11th July 2018 at the W.I. Hall between 6.30pm and 8.30pm…

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Wickhambrook Remembers

Wickhambrook Remembers

To mark the centenary of the Armistice, we have been asked by some residents of the village to hold an exhibition of memorabilia on Sunday 11th November 2018 in the WI Hall, which of course is also now 100 years old. It will coincide with the Remembrance Service which is held every year at the War memorial in the Cemetery at 11am. We would like to have memorabilia from anyone who would like to share their family’s stories. Do you have photos? Diaries? Medals? Trench Art?…

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2018 W.I. AGM & Resolutions

2018 W.I. AGM & Resolutions

Another year enjoyed, another A.G.M. and the return of Dorothy Anderson as Wickhambrook President after thanking and congratulating Hilary Bradfield on her last three successful years at the helm of the Institute…

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2018 Annual Report from County Councillor Mary Evans

Thank you for inviting me to your annual parish meeting. It was an honour last May to be re-elected as the County Councillor for Clare. I hugely appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in me and will do my utmost to live up to it. As you know, I always strive to be candid with you so you won’t be surprised when I start this annual report by talking about highways – and more specifically potholes…

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Save the date Wickhambrook Carnival 14th July

Save the date Wickhambrook Carnival 14th July

Procession update, we would love to have a procession again this year if you are interested in participating in a procession please get in touch without entries we can’t make a procession. The Theme this year is BOOK CHARACTERS, its a walking procession so no need to find vehicles…

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Wickhambrook walk including Baxters Green

Wickhambrook walk including Baxters Green

This circular walk heads north of the village and makes use of the green lanes in that area. Total mileage is between 6 miles and 7 miles and will take around three hours at gentle pace. The circuit is best undertaken in the drier months. It is also enjoyable in the winter, just a bit more of a challenge. For reassurance take Explorer map 210 Newmarket & Haverhill with you…

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Walk around Wickhambrook

Walk around Wickhambrook

This walk around Wickhambrook was first published in April 2005 and was the first of, what eventually became, many circular walks in the village and surrounding area. At reasonable pace this one takes around 3 hours and covers about 5 miles…

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Wickhambrook Walk

Wickhambrook Walk

This is the third of a series of local walks being prepared for the Discover Suffolk leaflet. The route sticks mainly to the village centre but includes some countryside stretches, which can be muddy in winter, and four short sections of road…

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Parish Clerk’s Report for May/June 2018

Parish Clerk’s Report for May/June 2018

Wickhambrook Parish Clerk Report for May/June 2018 including public access defibrillator update, cancelled litter pick, donation to School for play bark, refurbishment of skate park, vacancy for lay member, cemetery update, Annual Parish Meeting, Recent Planning Applications and next Parish Council meeting dates…

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Pottery at the W.I. with Geoffrey Kay

Pottery at the W.I. with Geoffrey Kay

Hands on evenings are always popular and so it proved when potter Geoffrey Kay came to talk and demonstrate his skill with clay. He willingly admitted that he is addicted to making anything, using a variety of clays from around the world but especially from his own garden.

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News from Wickhambrook Carnival Committee

News from Wickhambrook Carnival Committee

Well, once again we held another successful carnival day last year, enabling us to help out with village activities. We held the Children’s Christmas Disco in November, which was attended by 60 children, who were entertained by the brilliant DNA Kids, always a good job from them. The children all visited Santa in his grotto and each child received a present. This event is open to all children living in the village or attending Wickhambrook Primary Academy, aged 11 years and under…

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Bygone Wickhambrook

Some time during 2017 we were contacted in relation to an article that was being written about Wickhambrook and as to whether it would be ok to include some of the wonderful photos from our website that have been donated by Wickhambrook Residents and their families. You may be interested to know that this article has now been published in the April 2018 edition of the Suffolk Norfolk Life…

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New campaign encourages smokers to ‘Take it Outside’

New campaign encourages smokers to ‘Take it Outside’

A new campaign is raising awareness of the health and fire safety risks of smoking in the home. ‘Take it Outside’ highlights the health harms to family and friends of second hand smoke, and aims to reduce the devastating impact of house fires as a result of smoking. It is a joint campaign between Suffolk County Council Public Health, Trading Standards and Fire & Rescue Service…

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The Suffolk Wildlife Trust

The Suffolk Wildlife Trust

For the March meeting we were joined by Will Cranstoun, manager at Lackford Lakes for The Suffolk Wildlife Trust. He took us through the charities conversion of a commercial quarry site in the sixties to the 400 acres of man-made lakes, reed beds, meadows and breckland now providing pockets of many diverse habitats for wildlife today…

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Stroke survivors club to launch new choir

Stroke survivors club to launch new choir

Stroke survivors are being encouraged to join a new choir which is being launched with the support of St Edmundsbury Borough Council funding. The Second Chance Stroke Survivors Club was set up eight years ago to provide social and emotional support to stroke survivors in the Bury St Edmunds area…

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East Anglian Almshouses

February saw the return of Sarah Doig, to talk about the history of almshouses. Beginning with the monks in the Middle Ages, there has been an obligation on Christians to look after the less fortunate, whether they are old, ill or disabled…

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Parish Clerk’s Report for March/April 2018

Wickhambrook Parish Clerk Report for March/April 2018 including public access defibrillator, play area improvements, storm damage, Parish Councillor appointment, March litterpick, Annual Parish Meeting, Recent Planning Applications and next Parish Council meeting dates…

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Reminiscing back in the 1970’s

One of my memories was the Carnival back around 1970, when you had the dodgems set up along with lots of other things, it was SO exciting!, and I stood on the edge of the “rink” with my friend Jeanette listening to “The world is just a great big onion”, at 13 years old it was like the world was our oyster! Any information would be lovely…

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Cacti of Desertworld

Cacti of Desertworld

Our first meeting of the New Year was held on Monday 22nd January. It seemed a long time since our December meeting. There were a lot of members present and Barry Gayton from Santon Downham had come to talk to us about “Cacti of Desertworld”…

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Snapshots of Syria

Snapshots of Syria

There was an excellent turn-out for our first meeting of the year. One of our members, Antony Foreman, gave a talk entitled ‘Snapshots of Syria’ which was based on a trip he had taken there in the 1990s…

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Community public access defibrillator

Community public access defibrillator

We now have two community public access defibrillators that can be used by anyone located at Wickhambrook Fire Station and the Memorial Social Centre (MSC) – you don’t need to have received training in its use as the machine talks you through what you need to do – step by step!

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Making Jewellery

Making Jewellery

The new W.I. Year started off with such creativity and concentration for our members thanks to Sikander Jadd and the jewelry workshop she led for us recently. The objective was a beaded bracelet, made by ourselves from scratch…

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W.I. Christmas Party

W.I. Christmas Party

It was a lovely way to end the year and get into the Christmas spirit joining together to enjoy a festive evening organized by our hard-working committee. A welcoming drink and beautifully decorated tables, greeted our arrival…

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Thank You – World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 2017

Thank You – World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 2017

I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who attended and so generously supported our 26th annual Coffee Morning recently. The event was part of Macmillan Cancer World’s Biggest Coffee Morning and was a wonderful morning, with over 160 people attending…

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Giles and his adopted town, Ipswich

As a child, I well remember looking at cartoons in the newspaper and an annual compilation by Giles. Like most of the audience at History Society in November, I had no idea that he lived in Ipswich and that many of the people and places were familiar to the locals.

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Astronomy for Beginners

It was a chilly, dark, evening as we met to discover the wonders of the astronomy BUT unfortunately it was too cloudy above to see anything of the planets or the stars and their constellations!!!

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Notice of Vacancy

UPDATE 17 Jan 2018 – this is now closed for Applications. Notice is hereby given that there is a vacancy on Wickhambrook Parish Council. The vacancy has previously been advertised, and no election has been requested. The Council is now able to fill the vacancy by co-option…

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Medieval Woollen Cloth Industry in Suffolk

Dr Nick Amor was our October speaker and his subject was the Medieval Woollen Cloth Industry in Suffolk. We already knew the importance of Suffolk in the rearing of sheep and the making of cloth but one of the most interesting pieces of new (to us)information was that in 1483, Richard Broun, a woolman of Wickhambrook was sued in the courts for £40, the equivalent of many thousands today…

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The Trafficking of Women

Our guest this month was Pam Bowen from the Crown Prosecuting Service, based in London, but travelling around the UK, Europe and sometimes beyond in her work investigating and bringing to justice those involved in trafficking of women and modern slavery…

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