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Suffolk’s Most Famous Cavalier
Thomas Blague of Horringer was rightly described by John Sutton , our speaker for September, as Suffolk’s most famous cavalier. He was born at Little Horringer Hall in 1613 and his early life is a mystery. He was probably a mercenary in Europe, as his military skills were evident in his later life…
Soft Power Education
Our guest speaker at our September meeting, filling in at very short notice due to illness was Margaret McAlpine from Bury St Edmunds to give us an insight to her volunteering work with Soft Power Education based in Uganda at the Amagezi Education Centre near Jinja…
History Society Summer Outings
During the summer the History Society went on two excellent outings with fine weather, interesting locations and good company. The first was to Lincoln Cathedral and Castle where we had guided tours by two guides who brought the past to life and spent lots of time chatting, answering questions and generally making us feel very welcome. We also visited Gressenhall Workhouse and Museum of Norfolk Life…
Garden Meeting
Our members meeting for this year took place recently under leaden skies with the threat of rain by invitation of Trustee Joyce Draycott and her husband Philip at their home Ashfield Green Farm. Despite the August evening weather, a very warm welcome awaited all from Joyce and her band of member helpers greeting us on arrival with either an Elderflower or Pimms…
Oil Buying Group
One of the actions requested in the Parish Plan was to set-up an oil buying scheme for Wickhambrook…
Are you finding it difficult to use Public Transport?
Connecting Communities is a new service – bringing the traditional community transport services such as Dial a Ride, Suffolk Links and Community Car service under one new single identity…
Parish Clerk’s Report for September/October 2017
Parish Clerk Report for September/October 2017 including Lay Members of the Parish Council Estates Committee, July LitPic, Youth Football Club, Hedges, VAS Update – speeding in the village, The Hidden Perils of Strimming by Colin Bird, Recent Planning Applications and Dates of Next Meetings…
A Hundon Walk
This route which takes you from Hundon to Poslingford and back is just over five miles and if you wish for a picnic midway there are several seats in Poslingford churchyard. The walk is one of undulating contrasts with one particularly long cross-field path which should be clearly indicated, good views and several short sections of great interest. Enjoy…
The Spy who loved
At the July meeting, Clare Mulley of Saffron Walden, a writer and historian, came to talk to us about her book, ‘The Spy Who Loved’. The subject of the book is Krystyna Skarbek, a Polish countess who changed her name to Christine Granville when she became a British spy during the first World War…
Flower Show 2017
It was a lovely day for our Flower Show on the 8th July. Not too hot, but cloudy and sunny all day. The numbers of entries this year were a little down compared to last year, but we still had entries in nearly all the categories and the hall looked lovely and colourful…
Belly Dancing
At our open meeting in June we had several visitors attracted by the opportunity to see and find out about Belly Dancing from teacher and expert of 13 years Victoria Strudwick of Sudbury…
W.I. Literary Lunch 2017
Those attending the annual 9th Literary lunch hosted by the ladies of the two Wickhambrook W.I. Reading Groups enjoyed a delicious buffet including some yummy home baked desserts in the company of author Rosy Thornton, author of Sandlands from East Suffolk…
Carnival Day 2017
On Carnival Day, Saturday 8th July, Oscar and his two attendants will ride in an open top car and lead a Disney themed ‘Walking’ procession, along with the Sawston Youth Group Marching Band, Fire Engine, and classic cars…
Parish Clerk’s Report for July/August 2017
Parish Clerk Report for July/August 2017 including Annual Parish Council Meeting, LitPic, Annual Parish Meeting Report from 18 May, Biscuit Barrel, Memorial Garden update, Bury Road Playground, VAS Update – speeding in the village, Recent Planning Applications and Dates of Next Meetings…
Churches and Chapels since the Reformation
The May meeting saw a welcome return of Tony Kirby. His talk “Churches and Chapels since the Reformation”, illustrated by slides of East Anglia, was full of interest. The period 1530-1560 saw a 1,000 years of religious building destroyed with the destruction of abbeys and monasteries…
AGM, Resolutions and Yum Yum Tree Fudge
We started the meeting with a sugar rush, which kept us awake and lively for the whole meeting! The business of the monthly meeting was swiftly concluded. Future events were publicised including the Literary Lunch with Rosy Thornton on 16th June (tickets from Dorothy), an ice-cream tasting and a breakfast walk…
2017 Recipient of the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel Award
Maggie Elers was the unanimous choice by the Parish Council for the award this year and the photograph shows Chairman Paul Couzens with Maggie who will hold the Biscuit Barrel for twelve months and have her name added to the list of previous worthy holders of the award…
History Society AGM – History and the Printed Cartoon
At the AGM, the committee and office-bearers were re-elected to serve for another year. The secretary, Gillian Cooper, unveiled the new programme and gave details of summer outings to Lincoln Castle and Cathedral and Gressenhall Workhouse Museum and Farm. The speaker for the evening was Martin Roper and his subject was History and the Printed Cartoon…
The History of Addenbrookes Hospital
Hilary Ritchie, the Archivist of Addenbrooke’s Hospital was the speaker this month and she gave us a fascinating insight into the history of this great institution…
Parish Clerk’s Report for May/June 2017
Wickhambrook Parish Clerk Report for May/June 2017 including Litter Pick cancellation, Memorial Garden starting point, Local Council Award Scheme, Annual Parish Meeting, Grit Spreading Volunteer List, Contribution from a Lay Member of the Estates Committee, Crime Report for your attention, Recent Planning Applications and Parish Council meetings…
Keeping Chickens on a Small Scale
Mr Nigel Start was our speaker for the March monthly meeting and his subject was “Keeping chickens on a small scale”. It was again wonderful to see a good number of people in the hall…
Magic Lantern Show
Robin Ford brought an actual ‘Magic Lantern’ to the March meeting so that he could show some of his very interesting collection of original slides…
Coco Chanel, her life and loves
What an excellent turnout we had at the March meeting, Paula Short’s promised presentation about Coco Chanel, her life and loves having attracted many first timers to the Institute…
Cakes, Ales, Partying, Feasting and Fundraising in the Middle Ages
In February we welcomed Kate Jewell to the meeting. She has not spoken to us before and we have discovered a gem (pun intended!) What a delightful, knowledgeable and fluent speaker! We coild have listened all night to her talk on ‘Cakes, Ales and Partying…
My Life as an Auctioneer
Our February speaker was Edward Crichton from Lacey Scott and Knight who gave us an excellent insight into his life as an auctioneer. His description of the excitement of finding treasure in ordinary houses and selling it on was very interesting…
Snowdrops and Winter Interest Plants
It is quite some years since Mr Richard Ayres last came to speak to the Horticultural Society and he was a popular speaker then, just as he still is and when he came to the Society on the 27th February, about fifty people came to listen to his talk…
Hawkedon Circular Walk
The Hawkedon website states ‘Hawkedon is one of the strangest places in Suffolk. There’s nowhere else quite like it. Here, in the rolling landscape between Haverhill and Bury, is where the Chiltern Hills come to die. On their journey through Bedfordshire and Essex they become lower and softer, with the occasional last stabs of glory before sinking beneath the Suffolk heathlands…
Parish Clerk’s Report for March/April 2017
Parish Clerk Report for March/April 2017 including The Great British Spring Clean, A contribution from Julian Girling, Date of Annual Parish Meeting, Reporting Highway faults online, Precept bid from Wickhambrook Parish Council explained, Recent Planning Applications and Parish Council Meetings…
Native Americans
Robert Burridge gave a talk on Native Americans, which covered the Indian wars, early settlers, strife between the tribes and the white men who wanted to take over the land…
Burns and a Taste of Scotland
There was a good attendance at the first meeting of 2017, which included two visitors, hopefully members to be. Vice President Sue Burton-Griffiths welcomed everyone wishing all a happy new year and led members through Resolutions…
Christmas Party 2016
The members were in celebratory mood this month, as our monthly meeting fell 90 years since the formation of the Wickhambrook Institute in 1926…
Parish Clerk’s Report for January/February 2017
Parish Clerk Report for January/February 2017 including Looking back and moving on, Agreed dates of Parish Council Meetings for 2017, Recent Planning Applications and Parish Council Meetings…
90th Anniversary Celebration for Wickhambrook W.I.
The ladies of the Wickhambrook W.I. don’t always need a reason to celebrate but on this occasion it was the remarkable milestone of 90 years since it’s foundation in December 1926, which prompted President Hilary Bradfield and her committee to organise a Thanksgiving service to be followed by Afternoon Tea, for members and invited guests firstly at the Wickhambrook Methodist Church and thereafter in the Institutes own Hall within the village…
Christmas Flower Arrangements
We were in the skillful and creative hands of Thelma Farrow and Angela Cross for this month’s meeting. Two of our own, they demonstrated several ideas for simple Christmas floral arrangements with their own unique delivery and style they produced eye catching, colorful, sparkling displays which could grace anyone’s table or fireplace over the festive period…
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine was the subject at this month’s meeting when local practitioner Beverley Meredith-Bailey spoke about her work to the ladies present…
New facilities put our Memorial Social Centre on the map
The Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre (MSC) management committee has spent five years raising over £23,000 towards a £45,000 kitchen facilities project. The future of an important hub in one of West Suffolk’s most popular villages has been secured, thanks to extensive refurbishment funded in part by a £10,000 grant from St Edmundsbury Borough Council…
The War on Drugs
Detective Inspector Richard Southwell was our guest speaker this meeting from the Metropolitan Police invited by our President Hilary Bradfield with whom he worked with during several cases over many years…
Painting on Glass
It was all hands on and paintbrushes to the fore at this month’s meeting as we tried painting on glass following instruction from Ann Datson, our tutor for the evening…
The War on Waste
The prospect of learning about the” Rubbish Diet” enticed a good turnout to the July meeting…
W.I. Literary Lunch 2016
Those attending the annual 8th Literary lunch hosted by the ladies of the two Wickhambrook W.I. Reading Groups enjoyed a delicious buffet including some yummy home baked desserts in the company of author Edward Parnell from near Norwich…
Members Meeting
The members took over June’s meeting, there was a welcome floral buttonhole for everyone on arrival and once a short time of business was completed, led by President for the evening Judith Pitcher, we were placed in the expert and enthusiastic hands of Jen Lerner to learn how to Circle dance together…
2016 Recipient of the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel Award
This year the Alf Hicks Biscuit Barrel award went to Mrs Valerie Orange who is awarded the crystal biscuit barrel to keep for one year together with a certificate as a lasting record…
Latest Data collected from Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS)
As readers will note from the figures which follow, a high percentage of vehicle activations are in excess of the 30mph limit, these figures will of course be lost on non-village residents who travel through the village, it is hoped however that village residents will take heed and reduce their speed as police camera activity in the area will increase accordingly…
AGM, Resolutions and a Surprise
The institutes A.G.M. and Resolutions were the main focus of this month’s meeting. After all the members had commented and had their say there was the voting, the results of which will be sent to National…
The Winch and Blatch Story
We were very pleased to welcome our W.I. Advisor Julie Higgins to our April meeting who joined members to hear our speaker Judith Blatch from Winch and Blatch, the Merchandising director and wife of the Managing director of the small family run department store based in Sudbury, Suffolk…
What Does an Artist do all day?
This month’s meeting was truly “In House” with three members telling us “What does an artist do all day”. Ruth Seal, a calligrapher, Jayne Pope painter and graphic artist and Jackie Merry, print maker are all professional ladies using their talents to earn income, satisfaction and admiration in a wide variety of artistic disciplines…
Suffolk Farmhouse Cheeses
This month’s meeting was truly “In House” with three members telling us “What does an artist do all day”. Ruth Seal, a calligrapher, Jayne Pope painter and graphic artist and Jackie Merry, print maker are all professional ladies using their talents to earn income, satisfaction and admiration in a wide variety of artistic disciplines…
How to Climb your Family Tree
A new year and an excellent turnout to discover “How to climb your family tree” with the help of Sharmain Thompson and her technical assistant Brian, her husband from the Haverhill Family History Group. Her talk illustrated using a slideshow presentation, took us through the stages of researching a family tree…
OBE for services to Fire and Rescue for Wickhambrook Resident
Wickhambrook resident John Barton, General Secretary, Retained Firefighters Union has been awarded an OBE for services to Fire and Rescue in the recent Queen’s birthday honours…
The New Playground
Saturday’s Grand Opening of the new playground was a big success. Delighted to see so many families at the opening and as soon as the gates were opened, all the children rushed through to try out the pieces of play equipment which excited them most…